Market, Policy and Poverty Reduction in Vietnam

Market, Policy and Poverty Reduction in Vietnam


This book presents findings of studies conducted under the project, “Support for Strengthening Evidence-based Pro-Poor Policy Making in Vietnam”, which was carried out over the period from December 2004 to June 2006 by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) with financial support from the World Bank managed ASEM trust fund. During the process of project implementation, VASS also received financial and in-kind support from the Royal Danish Embassy and DANIDA, which allowed for a resident senior academic advisor, Prof. Henrik Hansen of the University of Copenhagen. Prof. Hansen is the lead editor of this volume, as well as a mentor to younger researchers and a co-author of a number of the book’s chapters.

Market-Policy - Poverty Reduction in Vietnam.pdf

This book consists of seven chapters, which are grouped in two parts. The first part is focused on analysis of some important aspects of the working of the goods and labor markets and their implications  for  poverty  reduction  in  Vietnam.  The  second  part  examines  some  important policies from the perspective of their contribution to poverty reduction. The book also includes one annex, which provides technical details on the household surveys VHLSS 02 and VHLSS 04 ....