Research and Education on Human Rights

17:00 15/09/2012
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On September 15th, 2012, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences held a conference with the theme "National Network for Human Rights Education" in Hanoi.

Attending the meeting were representatives from the research institutes of the VASS; several universities in the country: the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, University of Social Sciences and Humanities Ho Chi Minh City, Tay Nguyen University, Dalat University, Ton Duc Thang University, Vinh University,  Hue University, Da Nang School of Politics, Vietnam Trade Union University, Academy of Journalism and Communication, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration, Hanoi National University of Education, et cetera.

Professor Vo Khanh Vinh, Vice President of VASS, Director of the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Project "Human Rights Education Forum" delivered an opening speech and presided over the conference. Construction of the national network regarding human rights education is an important component of the Project which VASS is responsible for, according to the Agreement on cooperation between Vietnam and Denmark Government. In four years, along with the implementation of the project in the first phase (2008 - 2011),  human rights education network has been built and is proceeding to expand and develop, the network has connected  university scientists as well as research faculty with experts on human rights in the country.

In May 2012, the Government of Vietnam and the Government of Denmark has signed the Agreement between the two governments regarding the phase II (2012-2015): Public Management Program and Public Administration Reform, which was confirmed the results achieved in the first phase was successful and held a positive impact (including active national network of human rights education). Accordingly, the VASS to continue to play a role in this Agreement. The promotion of research activities and research collaboration between research and education institutions of Vietnam will be among VASS’s best interests. This is the stage of further cooperation, continuing research on human rights in both depth and width, building masters training program on human rights, expanding human rights training program for managers at all levels, building local networks connected to the international network ...

The workshop contributed to understanding the situation and exchanging experiences on teaching human rights in a number of universities in the country. The participants listened to 08 presentations which belong to faculty members of universities in the country. They also had a lively discussion about the topic of the workshop.  At the end of the workshop, the Project Manager "Human Rights Education Forum" was awarded the published research products are the result of 4 years of the first phase of the Project for the universities and the research institutions in the country.

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